How To Thread

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How To Thread

How to thread the embroidery machine

This video shows how to thread the upper tension system and sensor on the Butterfly embroidery machine.

Video Highlights

0:15 - The embroidery thread follows a specified path which helps unwind smoothly off of the embroidery spool. The thread also passes through tension knobs which either tighten or loosen the thread before embroidering on the garment.
tension knob 0:50 - The tension knobs are series of discs with which the thread travels through. The discs are pressed together with a spring to hold the thread tight as it is embroidered into the garment. The tightness of the spring is changed with the knob which can be turned to the right to make the thread tighter or turned to the left to make the thread looser. Thread too tight can cause thread breaks and thread too loose can cause looping
threading tubes 1:30 - Threading tubes are plastic tubes that the thread passes through. They are used to take the thread from the thread tree to the top tension base. The threading tubes help keep the thread from getting tangled up under the breeze of a fan, a/c, window, etc.
4:00 - The threading disc is used to detect thread breaks. When the thread breaks, the wheel will no longer spin and the machine will detect a thread break. If the machine is detecting false thread breaks it is recommended to check that the thread is passing through the disc enough to spin the disc. Double wrapping will sometimes cure false thread breaks.
check spring 5:15 - The check spring adds some elasticity to the thread and helps protect it from thread breaks. If the thread is popping out of the needle after thread trims, the check spring might not be set right.
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